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I hope your Word does not refer to people! Happy Birthday, dear friend!


I think you'll have a great journey with consolidation.


I'm awed that it has been 15 years, which means my 16th would have been March had I kept up the blog. I'm SO happy we met here and have a face to face friendship, too! Consolidation needed the other years to become relevant, more relevant, and it will be a perfect word to take you into the future. BTW, it's snnnoooowwwing!!


Happy New Year to you and yours! Consolidation is a great word for 2020. I'm vowing to try my damnedest not to buy more yarn and fiber (while withstanding the guilt about not supporting my vendor friends).

Elaine in NYC

Happy New Year! Consolidation is relevant for me as well. My word continues to be perseverance.


Not a word, but a phrase. My New Year’s “Guideline” - Less is More. Which in a round about way echos consolidation.

Happy New Year!


Happy Belated Birthday!! Ken and I are definitely in consolidation mode as well. We are hoping to carry much less into the new decade.

Love you my friend! <3

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