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Oh yes...it IS a spinning wheel. We all need more celebrating this year! Huzzah for you and your blogiversary!

Rachel H

Happy Blogiversary! I'm so glad you're here. And cheers to your intentions for 2008.

Marcia Cooke

Congrats! What does it say that I have no idea when mine is, or for how many years?


Happy Blogoversary!

Teresa C

Hear! Hear!

Happy New Year!


I love that last picture. You can be my fairy reindeer godmother anytime.

Intentions. Hmmm. Well, at least I will have good company on the road to Hell.

The Feminist Mafia

Happy Blogiversary!!!


Three years has just flown by.


I love that logoff warning. Too funny! Happy blogiversary! Did you really start on a New Year's Day? I guess you did.


Happy blogiversary!!

Which reminds me, mine is coming up in a couple weeks, too. Three years for me, too, although your blog is much more popular than mine! (grin) (Not that I begrudge that in the least.)


Agreed as to intentionality (mine, that is.) Happy Blogiversary and Happy New Year to you and Mr. E. xoxox


Happy 3rd! This is most definitely NOT an indifferent world you are talking to. Lots of celebrating to you!


Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for sharing the beautiful motif and the hilarious log-off message. Happy New Year!


Happy blogiversary! And New Year! Love that motif. I instantly started thinking how I could adapt that for a felt design.

Caroline M

Happy new blog year. Do I sense a "motif,part 2" ahead? It looks like a shortbread biscuit to me but I suspect that has something to do with this time of year.


Happy New Year! I know what you mean about spending too much time online. I seem to be permanently attached to a computer. Perhaps it is time to turn it off occasionally..... :-)


Time has certainly flown by!
Love that motif - thanks for sharing.
and you know what? I do "intentions" every year.... one of mine this year is to laugh every single day :-)
May the year ahead be joyous for you.


Happy Blog-versary! And you know, being online is important because if we weren't online we would never have met. That said, I'm all for more real life get togethers.
Happy New Year!


Happy Blogiversary!


Happy 3 years dear friend! We should indeed get together soon.


Happy blogiversary! I so enjoy reading your posts!


Happy New Year/Blogiversary! Thanks for stopping in on my blog and leaving great comments. I truly enjoy reading yours and watching your projects take shape. The way your mind works is also a big draw. Thank you for being here.


Happy Belated Blogiversary! Looking forward to your Motif, Part II.


Happy (yesterday) Blogiversary to you!
Now I need to log off and get a life!


A belated happy blogiversary to you! I've returned to blogland and must now consider how to make that motif a cable pattern.


We care! Happy Blogiversary!!!


Happy New Year to you and the Mr.!


I'm so glad we met in 07. Hope to see more of you in 08. I am grinning as I read this -- of course I see symmetry in the Persian tile, and it doesn't surprise me that you would too. And of course Lucia thinks she should make it into a cable. Would there be any other reactions than those? (And, by the way, you look quite festive in those sparkling antlers!)


Happy Blogiversary and New Year! I am so glad you joined the community - and entertain so well.


I've just been deleted some of my feeds and kind of assessing how much time I want to give this this year - I love the community and I love the people and I am so grateful, but I maybe need some balance too. A sense of perspective, to give more of my self to other things.

And yes, it'll be a gorgeous spinning wheel. Happy New Year.


Happy Blogiversary! I'm always glad to read a new post from you.


Happy Blogiversary, E! And Happy New Year to you two, too.

A spinning wheel! What an interesting notion. Perhaps someone should put that design on one. :D

Did someone say party?


Happy Blog-o-versary, and here's to many more years, I hope - I enjoy your writings a great deal, as they are thoughtful, funny, insightful, inspiring, and a whole bunch of other good stuff (me, I'm not so articulate today).

And I'm with Marcy - party? Did someone say party?

Before I forget, Noro sock yarn - I'm starting to weave a scarf with this as weft. I'll let you know how it turns out (and if I forget, I'll probably post photos on my blog now and then). I'm still aiming to enable tou into weaving.


Yay! Happy Blogiversary, and Happy New Year!!

Beth S.

It looks exactly like a Golding spindle. Uncanny, that.

I'm so glad I get to see you in my Bloglines so frequently. I learn something from you every time I come here, whether it's about Persian design or how many yards of sock yarn go into a gusset. Have another fabulous year, ok? :-)


Happy belated blogiversary to you, my friend!


HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY my friend!! I think I know where that symbol is going :-)! Whoo hoo!

Andrea (noricum)

Happy blogaversary!


Happy anniversary dear. I love that you're here.


Happy New Year - and Happy Blogiversary! 'tis been a pleasure and an honor. :o))

Lee Ann

Bonne année et bon anniversaire, ma belle Laurie. I'm very glad you're in the world.

Also, I thought that was a cable. The kind that make my eyes cross when I try to figure out how the genius who charted the stitches knew what to do to replicate it, but a cable nonetheless. Go figure :-)


happy blogiversary!
that motif would make a gorgeous golding spindle :-)


That motif is gorgeous. I wonder if it could be translated into cables and lace...

Anyway, Happy Blogiversary!


Happy Blogiversary!


Happy blogiversary!

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