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Lee Ann

Sigh. Sigh. And Sigh.

Grapes, dyeing, and a fifteen-day-early wheel. You are one luuuuucky lady.


I see you got a picture of the Julia-stash-yarn I almost stole.


I love the tree bedecked with hand dyes. Very jealous of your fun, in spite of the heat.


a fine collection of pictures and snippits of the day - I'm glad the name of the wine is here so I can refer back to it! (I'm due to report at 8:30, but swung over to see what you had posted; I'm looking forward to the pictures of your wheel. (and, it goes without saying, pictures of what has already had a go on the wheel :))


Um, did you dye your foot, or drop something heavy on it? And either way, how?

And how's the new baby? Come up for air yet?


And whose copper colored Lorna's Laces is that? Lola wants.


Ah, dyed and gone to heaven;-)

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